Customer Service

Property Services

24-hour security patrol, personnel and vehicle entry and exit registration, electronic monitoring equipment, and hedges create an independent space. Provide housing maintenance and management services, public equipment management services, and conference and exhibition venue reservations.

Commercial Registration

Assist enterprises in establishing companies, apply to the company registration authority for establishment registration according to law, and the company shall engrave seals, open bank accounts, and apply for tax registration on the strength of its business license.

Policy Consultation

According to the situation of the enterprise, put forward corresponding policy suggestions for the enterprise (such as artificial intelligence, biomedicine, cultural innovation, etc.).

Legal Consultation

Explain and explain relevant legal issues, and put forward suggestions and solutions.

Fiscal and Tax Services

Provide professional services of 'small-scale taxpayers, general taxpayers, professional accounting agents, R & D expenses plus deduction, fiscal and tax planning, financial custody and other tax related'.

Project Declaration

Provide the project declaration of the enterprise at all stages of development (warehousing of scientific and technological small and medium-sized enterprises, identification of high-tech enterprises, identification of small giant enterprises, specialization and innovation, etc.)

Park Supporting

Banquet Room
Banquet Room

Tangji Chuancai is a time-honored catering chain brand in Zhoupu, with many local branches. It features Shanghai Benbang Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine and adheres to the concept of 'green, nutritious and healthy'.

·Can accommodate 1 ~ 4 tables

·10 ~ 12 seats per table

·Support reservation, open all day

·Fresh dishes and rich menus

·Provide parking space, WiFi

Tangji Canteen
Tangji Canteen

Located in the sunken square of the park, Tangji canteen is a time-honored Benbang restaurant brand with good taste. The canteen adopts self selected independent dishes, mainly Chinese food, and regularly introduces seasonal specialties (casserole, crayfish, pickled fish...), There are many kinds of products with good quality and low price. Provide smart ordering and smart settlement, and strive to build a healthy, green and smart canteen.

·Opening hours: 10:50 ~ 14:00 from Monday to Friday

·It can accommodate 30 tables and more than 100 people, with 4 ~ 6 seats per table

·Fresh dishes and rich menus

·Support online cashier

Convenience Store
Convenience Store

Convenience stores in the park pay attention to service quality, selling daily necessities, cigarettes and alcohol. In order to meet the characteristics of E-sports in the park, it is regularly put on the shelves around E-sports. The diversity of goods and the convenience of shopping greatly meet the daily needs of employees. The park can be open 24 hours a day to serve the operation of the park. The convenience store will strive to provide customers with more levels of services.

·Business hours: 7:30-17:30 from Monday to Friday

·Located at the sunken square at the entrance of the park

·Service is up to standard

·Accept bulk orders and reservation services

·Support online payment

YO Coffee
YO Coffee

A fashion brand that delivers health. With the fusion of Chinese and Western, subversive innovative health salad and self-roasted coffee. Online wechat mini program client, offline coffee, juice, western simple food chain stores operate in multiple scenarios. A variety of consumption modes, obtained high user stickiness; SCA certified roaster, Q-Grader International coffee taster.

·Business hours: 8:30 - 16:30 a.m. from Monday to Sunday

·It can accommodate more than 25 people at the same time

·Designated activity place of the parent year center

·Tea breaks and cakes can be customize. parties, birthday parties, fellowship and other activities can be scheduled

·Support online payment