Shanghai Film Association holds a special training course on film short film creation

To promote the learning and exchange of works among young members of the Shanghai Film Association, from October 17th to 18th, the Shanghai Film Association held a two-day special training course on film short film creation in Kangqiao, Pudong. The Chairman of the Film Association, Ren Zhonglun, Vice Chairman and Secretary General Zhao Yun, Executive Directors Wu Tiange, Liang Shan, Zhan Xin, Sun Qing, Director Zhang Qi, and nearly 30 students attended the training.


The class opening ceremony was presided over by Zhao Yun.

After a brief opening speech, the association invited the person in charge of the Investment Promotion Center of the Shanghai International Tourism Resort Management Committee and representatives of the training organizer to comprehensively introduce the support policies of the Shanghai International Tourism Resort Management Committee in promoting the development of the film and television industry and the preferential measures of the training park for attracting investment from film and television enterprises.


During the training course, Ren Zhonglun, the chairman of the Shanghai Film Association, gave a unique special tutoring lecture on 'Film Creation: Selection and Expression' to the students. He combined his decades of work experience in the fields of literature and film to share with everyone his personal experiences in the creative process of numerous Shanghai produced films. He believes that literature and film creation are inseparable. In the process of creating film works, self-expression is very important. Only when the film is shot with heart, can the audience watch it with heart; Listening is more important than expression. Living well is the source of life for artistic creation, and good artistic details often reflect the true value of life.


During the student work sharing and exchange session, the two-day training and learning focused on the theme of 'film short films', showcasing 8 short film works with vastly different styles for everyone. The Gold Medal Mentor Group, composed of members of the Association's Presidium, comprehensively commented on the students' works from various fields such as video and sound, storytelling, directing techniques, screenwriting, performance, culture, and sociology. Many viewpoints were pointed out and the pros and cons were presented, making it suddenly clear. As the training deepens, students deepen their understanding of each other, fully exchange ideas, improve creativity, continuously record story inspiration and artistic expression techniques, exchange film shooting experiences, and explore future cooperation possibilities.



The mentors believe that the two-day film short film training course showcases the strong creativity and diverse expressive abilities of young members of the Film Association. The short films exhibited have diverse themes and rich content. Although the maturity and completeness of the works vary, each one presents a vibrant vitality and delightful artistic sensibility. Observing, exchanging, and commenting is also a process of mutual learning between them and these talented young members. Looking forward to future films, this process is challenging and interesting, confusing and impoverished, but with a love for movies, we can support each other and generate power for love. Don't blindly pursue commercialization and lose the artistic value of film creation. In addition to the short films exhibited, the students also have a lot of excellent script reserves and flashy content ideas. Film art is an expensive way of self-expression, and the most economical physical medium is the play text. They hope that young people who aspire to film creation will pay more attention to the value of scripts, including story presentation and content narration. In the future creative process, they will carefully polish their scripts before the shooting conditions are perfect, and devote more time and energy to the blueprint drawing of the film - script creation.

The students also expressed that the short film special training organized by the Film Association is rich in content and format. The beginning of a movie starts with short films, and most famous directors also start with short films. As the mentor mentioned in the training class, short films are a battlefield for training narrative skills; The significance of making a good short film is no less than winning a local war in creation. Through this special training for young filmmakers, we have gained a lot. We hope that the Film Association can continue to provide more opportunities for communication and work together to create excellent works of this era.


The mentors believe that the two-day film short film training course showcases the strong creativity and diverse expressive abilities of young members of the Film Association. The short films exhibited have diverse themes and rich content. Although the maturity and completeness of the works vary, each one presents a vibrant vitality and delightful artistic sensibility. Observing, exchanging, and commenting is also a process of mutual learning between them and these talented young members. Looking forward to future films, this process is challenging and interesting, confusing and impoverished, but with a love for movies, we can support each other and generate power for love. Don't blindly pursue commercialization and lose the artistic value of film creation. In addition to the short films exhibited, the students also have a lot of excellent script reserves and flashy content ideas. Film art is an expensive way of self-expression, and the most economical physical medium is the play text. They hope that young people who aspire to film creation will pay more attention to the value of scripts, including story presentation and content narration. In the future creative process, they will carefully polish their scripts before the shooting conditions are perfect, and devote more time and energy to the blueprint drawing of the film - script creation.

The students also expressed that the short film special training organized by the Film Association is rich in content and format. The beginning of a movie starts with short films, and most famous directors also start with short films. As the mentor mentioned in the training class, short films are a battlefield for training narrative skills; The significance of making a good short film is no less than winning a local war in creation. Through this special training for young filmmakers, we have gained a lot. We hope that the Film Association can continue to provide more opportunities for communication and work together to create excellent works of this era.
