NVIDIA's 2022 conference once again 'raises' the upper limit of AI technology

NVIDIA's 2022 conference once again 'raises' the upper limit of AI technology

NVIDIA's 2022 conference once again 'raises' the upper limit of AI technology

On the evening of September 20, NVIDIA CEO Huang Renxun's keynote speech kicked off the 2022 GTC. For an hour and a half, he introduced Nvidia's next-generation RTX GPUs and new cloud services that support AI workflows, as well as a variety of new systems, chips and software.

For gamers and creators, they will get the first GPUs based on the new NVIDIA AdaLovelace architecture. Compared with the previous generation flagship GPU RTX3090Ti, the performance of the RTX4090 released this time will be four times that of the former.

But in this speech, 4090 is just an 'appetizer'. In the remaining more than an hour, Huang Renxun introduced NVIDIA's progress in the enterprise market and the automotive market.

The first is the new generation of computing card 'H100' released in March this year. Huang Renxun announced that the Nvidia H100 TensorCore is now in full production and is expected to be available in October. The Omniverse platform built for Metaverse development has also received a comprehensive update, and will launch OmniverseCloud, an IaaS cloud service product.

In the automotive field, Nvidia announced a new generation of autonomous driving chips, Thor, and abandoned the previously released Atlan. According to NVIDIA, Jikr will be equipped with this chip for the first time in 2025. In addition, Xiaopeng Motors and Qingzhou Smart will also use this chip.

'League of Legends' S12 promotional video announced: the global finals kicked off on September 30

NVIDIA's 2022 conference once again 'raises' the upper limit of AI technology

Recently, 'League of Legends' officially released the first promotional video of S12, and announced the Slogen of this competition: 'This ambition is unparalleled'.

As a finals that returned to the United States after being held in Asia for many years, this promotional video of S12, in addition to the mixed editing of previous competitions and contestants, also showed the stages of the competition.

Among them, the play-in match, which starts at 4:00 am Beijing time on September 30, will be held at the Artz Pedregal e-sports stadium in Mexico City, kicking off the S12.

NVIDIA's 2022 conference once again 'raises' the upper limit of AI technology

In the group stage at 5:00 am Beijing time on October 8th, and the quarter-finals at 5:00 am on October 21st, the stage came to the Hulu Theatre in Madison Square Garden in New York City.

NVIDIA's 2022 conference once again 'raises' the upper limit of AI technology

The semifinals will be held at Atlanta State Agricultural Arena at 5:00 am Beijing time on October 30th.

NVIDIA's 2022 conference once again 'raises' the upper limit of AI technology

As for the much-anticipated S12 final, it will officially start at 8:00 am on November 6 at the Chase Center Arena in San Francisco.

NVIDIA's 2022 conference once again 'raises' the upper limit of AI technology

Among the participating teams, the four seeded teams of LPL in S12 are: No. 1 seed JDG, No. 2 seed TES, No. 3 seed EDG, and No. 4 seed RNG.

NVIDIA's 2022 conference once again 'raises' the upper limit of AI technology

To build the 'city of e-sports culture', Tencent's cross-fire professional e-sports alliance landed in Chengdu High-tech Zone

On September 22, the reporter learned from the Chengdu High-tech Zone that the creative prototype of the well-known online drama 'Crossing the Fire' - the Cross-Fire Professional E-sports Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the CF Alliance) recently signed an agreement with the Chengdu High-tech Zone, announcing that it will land in the Chengdu High-tech Zone. Gazelle Valley Industrial Community.

'We will join hands with VSPN and ten top domestic clubs to cooperate with Chengdu High-tech Zone in the construction of e-sports venues, the production of e-sports events, and the development of e-sports theme parks,' said a relevant person in charge of Tencent.

This time, CF Alliance joined hands with Chengdu High-tech Zone, marking a series of high-standard e-sports events and a large number of 'e-sports +' industrial projects will continue to land in Chengdu, helping Chengdu's e-sports industry to build a strong chain, and also for Chengdu. The 'Capital of E-sports Culture' provides a strong impetus.

NVIDIA's 2022 conference once again 'raises' the upper limit of AI technology


On September 21, the S5 season of the “Fantasy Westward Journey” mobile game Martial God Altar Peak League officially kicked off. After two years and four seasons of rapid development, the Peak League has now reached the S5 season. As the top MMO professional league in China, in the past few years, the 'Fantasy Westward Journey' mobile game Martial Arts Peak League has shown strong brand influence. While establishing the glory system of the wealthy professional teams, the ecology of the competition alliance has also been further developed, building a A more complete standardization system.

Now, at the beginning of the S5 season, the 'Fantasy Westward Journey' mobile game Martial Arts Summit League has ushered in a deeper iteration, continuously improving the innovative competition system, striving to make the competition more competitive, upgrading the live broadcast technology and viewing experience, and creating functions The strong interactive atmosphere of watching the game, the continuous high-quality development of pan-entertainment ecological content, and the precise service of differentiated user needs, thus highlighting the unique style of MMO events.

NVIDIA's 2022 conference once again 'raises' the upper limit of AI technology
