WBG won the Eternal Calamity NBPL three-row championship

TES lost 0-2 to V5, 13 consecutive victories ended

WBG won the Eternal Calamity NBPL three-row championship

On August 9th, Beijing time, LPL ushered in the focus battle between TES and V5! Feeling hot, TES, which is in a 13-game winning streak, is a strong contender for the top spot in the league, while V5 is changing the jungler, and its state is slightly ups and downs. But in this game, V5 was more prepared before the game and performed very well on the spot. The perfect tactical execution and team battle performance in two consecutive games overwhelmed the opponent. In the end, TES lost 0-2 and ended. My 13-game winning streak! The regular season of the summer split is coming to an end. This is a big blow for TES, who is aiming for the first place in the regular season. In the last game against AL, he must go all out to win the opponent in order to win the top spot. Come on TES!

BLAST Asia qualifier closed qualifier schedule announced

WBG won the Eternal Calamity NBPL three-row championship

After five days of competition, the four teams that have advanced to the closed qualifier from the audition stage have been officially determined, and they will enter the closed qualifier together with the four directly invited teams. The closed qualifiers will officially open on August 9.

Eight teams will compete in a two-day closed qualifier, with four teams advancing to the main stage. The first game will officially start at 18:00 on the evening of August 9. The two sides will be ARAVT and D13. After this Mongolia derby is over, the second team to advance to the main game will be between LVG and NKT. The first match of the second day was brought to us by CatEvil and IHC, and the last spot was won by the winner of Mongolz and LR-.

The four teams that successfully advance to the main competition will compete with the top five Asian teams RA, TYLOO, WingsUp and YK for the only BLAST autumn showdown entry.

WBG won the Eternal Calamity NBPL three-row championship, the ultimate go-ahead for the double-change lineup

WBG won the Eternal Calamity NBPL three-row championship

In the first Eternal Calamity NBPL League, which lasted for more than three months, WBG was not always a domineering team. Their performance at the beginning could not be said to be mediocre, but the fifth result in the weekly finals was not top-notch. However, using the strong personal ability of their own team to suppress the enemy has always been their style, and it has not changed since then.

Everyone on the WBG team made the most of their strengths in the finals. WBG and SlpWa1ker are calm and composed, WBG and Jing are aggressive and brave, and WBG and Axiao are like a dragon. In the end, despite the continuous twists and turns, they still lived up to their expectations and won the championship glory from the strong finals!

Bank of Nanjing: Released the first digital collection 'Hello Duck' and entered the new Metaverse track

WBG won the Eternal Calamity NBPL three-row championship

With the accelerated evolution of the digital transformation of finance empowered by cutting-edge technology, new digital concepts such as 'metaverse' and 'digital collections' continue to trigger a boom in traffic, and the financial industry has once again ushered in new opportunities for digital transformation. Taking advantage of the 'metaverse' wind, Bank of Nanjing actively explored digital civilization and took the lead in laying out a new field of bank-customer interaction. At 10:00 am on August 10, 2022, the first digital collection 'Hello Duck' was officially released. It is understood that the release of this digital collection is based on the image of Bank of Nanjing's brand IP 'Hello Duck', and carefully planned 5 series with a total of 2022 models. This series of digital collections is provided by Tencent Zhixin Chain with credible proof of rights and interests, and has the characteristics of irreplaceability and non-tampering. Some of the collections and Easter egg collections also have higher collection value and commemoration due to the scarcity of the number of releases. significance.
