Warmly welcome Yang Chao, member of the Standing Committee of the District and others.

       Hello, September!

The summer of August begins to retreat; September comes lightly with its cool.

As we head into September, the tide of excitement and novelty fills E. ONE's calendar.

Located at 111 East Kangqiao Road, Shanghai, 'Cambridge E·ONE E-sports Industrial Park' is ONE of the few in China that combines pan-entertainment, pan-culture and enterprises. Centering on the e-sports industry, it builds the whole e-sports industry chain ecological circle and forms an industrial cluster, attracting high attention from municipal government departments.


E·ONE E-sports Industrial Park 

     On the afternoon of September 1, Yang Chao, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and deputy Head of the District, visited our park for investigation. Liu Shihong, secretary of the Party Committee of Kangqiao Town, Guo Xiaoyong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and mayor, Zhao Yonghong, deputy mayor and responsible persons of relevant functional departments accompanied the investigation.


Yang Chao, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and deputy Head of the District visited the park

       Cambridge industrial group chairman TangLiuQin on behalf of the park to the standing committee of the CPC committee and deputy warden Yang Chao line of arrival, a warm welcome, accompanied by to visit the park and the park - TES club head enterprises, and report to the deputy district chief Yang the overall orientation, investment progress, the future development direction, the west reconstruction planning work, Yang district is garden of all the work to me.

Kangqiao E·ONE e-sports Industrial Park will actively respond to the government put forward the '14th five-year plan', to achieve high-quality development and the government work together; Secondly, the happiness index of surrounding residents is constantly improved through poverty alleviation projects. Finally, the epidemic prevention and control work at all gateways in the park was strictly controlled throughout the whole process.



       Kangqiao E·ONE e-sports industrial park will continue to keep work hard, looking to the future, indomitable enterprising spirit of innovation, the Cambridge township advantages and radiation is converted into the potential advantages and development advantages, efforts to a higher stage of development strategy, the garden is struggling to create a new situation, helping Shanghai construction e-sports capital of the world.
